Recovery Services
Revive Peer Recovery Support Services
Peer Recovery Support Specialists offer recovery support and help with obtaining community-based services and resources, while providing hope and positive role modeling. Our specialists also work with their recoverees to develop their own individual recovery wellness plans.
Peer Recovery Support Specialists promote recovery, remove barriers, build recovery capital, connect recoverees with recovery support services; and encourage hope, optimism and healthy living. Peer Recovery Support Specialists often will assist individuals with removing barriers such as assisting with employment, housing, educational needs, connections to mental health resources when desired, connections to meetings through multiple pathways as well as recovery oriented social network events, activities and other wellness related opportunities.
Peer Recovery Support Specialists also provide crisis response and resources for community members of all ages who may be struggling with substance misuse and are seeking treatment and recovery options.
Recovery support is for people both in recovery from addiction themselves, or for family members, friends and loved ones of those who have been affected by another’s addiction.
Peer Recovery Support Specialists are not therapists, counselors, clinicians, clergy or 12 step sponsors. They occupy a very unique and distinct lane on the recovery pathway.
Support in Revive Recovery Community Centers is provided by trained Peer Recovery Support Specialists, free of charge. All Peer Recovery Support Specialists have completed a 30 hour Recovery Coach Academy as well as a 16-hour ethics training.
Anyone who is seeking to initiate or sustain their recovery is welcome. At Revive Recovery Center, you are in recovery when you say you are.

What We Do
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